Friday, October 22, 2010

If Obama's Lost The Onion, He's Lost Middle America

I first saw this last week and it's really too good pass up. The Onion has an article up entitled "Obama To Take Break From Stumping To Preside Over United States." It's no surprise that Obama or any other president would take time to campaign for his party in the weeks before the midterms, and that's what the Onion makes fun of him for. But every time I've heard him speak since he became president it's seemed like he's still been campaigning. There's been his unprecedented and inappropriate criticism of the Supreme Court in his State of the Union address, his weird little feud with Fox News, and most recently his recurring "The Republicans drove the car in to a ditch" speech. The criticism of the Supreme Court during the State of the Union address in particular felt like Obama taking a chance to show leadership and turning it into a political pep rally. Any president has a responsibility to be a forceful advocate of his policies, but when even the Onion starts criticizing Obama, it's a good indication that he's taken things too far.

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